Dreams of Love in the Autumn (by Oriza Martins)

Dreams of Love in the Autumn

Autumn leaves...
...falling, reckless, on the ground,
Like the dreams that are gone,
Taking your hopes away,
Far, far away, dispersed,
Leaving to loneliness,
A bitter heart…

Autumn leaves...
You are gone... You had already
A role in nature,
But keep on
Spreading beauty…
My foolish dreams,
Barely accomplished their role,
Leave me lonely, miserable,
Scattering with the wind,
Dragging hopes,
And spreading uncertainty.

Autumn leaves...
...which in cycles may return,
Along the come and go of seasons,
In divine productions,
In spells and magic,
In a sweet makeover

But my dreams?...

If my dreams...
...how I wish...
Could come back to my life,
Like Autumn leaves
And Spring colors…
If… in my inner Autumn,
The dreams could light
The flames of yore, love…
Certainly a miracle would happen:
My beliefes would born again,
My sadness would stop…

©Oriza Martins

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